Friday 27 April 2012

Final Piece - Still Life

This is a 15 minute colour experimentation study to get away from being too literal with colour application. The objects were arranged in a almost triangular line creating a curved line for the viewers eyes to follow, and with no kissing or orphaned objects. A range of colours are used to create dark values without using black, this was most successful on the inside of the mug where complimentary colour theory was applied to create a near neutral dark shadow by using orange and blue hues. 

High contrasting colours are also used to effectively created the refraction of light in the metal around the cafetiere and white values were used to show reflection across shiny surfaces. Whilst the objects in the image are not perfectly in perspective with one another, matched with the high saturated and experimental colours, it gives the image a more stylist feel. A more effective image could have been made by drawing the objects from a different angle that is less straight-on.

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